Preparing Your Teen for College Entrance Exams

Preparing Your Teen for College Entrance Exams


Students are either good at them or they cringe at the thought. Maybe your teen is somewhere in between.

If your teen is considering higher education, preparing them for these tests is crucial!

Is it worth preparing your teen for these tests?

If so, when should you start preparing them?

Many are saying that standardized testing is a thing of the past.

Many colleges no longer require a student to take the SAT or ACT, but if you look closely, you will find that if you student opts out of theses tests, the college they are applying to or have been accepted to will require the student to take their own version of these test.

Standardized testing aims to provide an equal opportunity for all student to show their abilities in a variety of subjects. It is all about ensuring a fair competition for college admission.

Scores from the standardized test help the college discern the students level of ability in math and English, specifically, so the student can be placed in the proper college class.

Looking back at our homeschool and when and how I prepared my own teens

There are several things I would change if I could go back and redo some of my homeschooling during the teen years. The one I want to tell you about today is preparing them for college entrance exams.

I would have spent more money on my three children, (wanting to attend college) to help them better prepare for college entrance exams.

I have always been and will always be a saver and I like to buy only when something is on sale... if possible. So when opportunities come that cost, I do my best to figure out how to do it myself and save!

My three teens that went to college each could have received at least $2,000 more at the universities they attended if they had scored two points higher on their ACTs. 😮That would have been a saving of $8,000 each!

If I would have known about College Prep Genius, coupled with what I know now about scholarship money freely given to students with great test scores, I would have gladly spent the money and taken the time to help my teens learn how to take these test (SAT, ACT, CLT) with confidence!

I spent hours, months, years with each teen, going through ACT, SAT test prep books, many assuring the buyer that this test book will give your student the tools they need to ace the college entrance exams. What they accomplished was much frustration to both myself and my teens. No matter how hard we tried, they were not able to complete each test section AND answer most correctly. It just wasn't possible.

I didn't learn about College Prep Genius until my fourth child, and wouldn't you know it, she was the one that wanted a career that did not need college degree!

These tests are not really based on finding out how much your child has learned in school, but the SAT is a critical thinking exam, not a fact-based, content-intensive test.

It does not require students to regurgitate what they learned in school, but rather use basic logical principles to solve various types of problems.

When students attempt to tackle the SAT like a normal test, they often fail.

Even really smart students with high GPAs who take AP and honors classes bomb tests such as the SAT or ACT.

Test-makers design these tests to trick the “Average Joe” and reward the student who has a critical eye. (Jean Burke)

Begin preparing your teen now. In fact, I recommend starting your student in the ninth grade and learning how to take these test by the end of the 10th grade Since these tests are not based on knowledge, but rather test taking strategies, tricks and logic, they can take theses exams before junior or senior year.

Eighty-five percent of colleges and universities give admittance and scholarship money based on a test score, alone

Don't wait until the last minute because these test dates will be here before you know it.

2024 Test Dates

Digital SAT

  • May 4, 2024 (registration deadline April 19, 2024)
  • June 1, 2024 (registration deadline May 21, 2024)

There have been many changed made to the SAT specifically the new digital SAT. Learn about these changes here.


  • Oct 2024
  • April 13, 2024 (registration deadline March 8)
  • June 8, 2024 (registration deadline May 3)
  • July 13, 2024 (registration deadline June 7)

The Classic Learning Test has created a new standard for standardized testing. Their suite of exams for 3rd-12th graders is designed to give students a challenging yet fair assessment of their capabilities, all while allowing them to test from the comfort of home. Accepted at over 250 Colleges

Make sure that the text prep book or program you use teaches your teen the tips, tricks and test taking logic skills. The tests are not about academic knowledge! Of course I recommend College Prep Genius

Another important bit of information. Did you know that  the same College Prep Genius techniques can be used on many different tests? 


Check out my mini bundle, SAT, ACT, CLT and Concurrent Enrollment Discover the similarities and differences of each test and how to know which one is best for your teen.

Concurrent Enrollment courses may be beneficial for your teen to take during high school, but you should be aware of the pros and cons before your teen takes one of these courses.

The bundle includes

  • 2 workshops
  • PDF handouts for each workshop

Sty on the look our for the new improved homeschooling teens courses plus membership! I can't wait to share it with you in April 2024!

Got questions? I'd love to help!

Enjoying the journey,
